Nadir CA-125 concentration in the normal range as an independent prog- nostic factor for optimally treated advanced epithelial ovarian cancer. Annals of Oncology. 2008; 19: 327-31.Prat A, Parera M, Peralta S, Perez-Benavente MA, Garcia A, Gil-Moreno A, et al. Nadir CA-125 concentration ...
CA-125 CA-125 values and definitions Abnormalreferent values ofca-125test are between30 and -kU/L. : | : : : 30 - - kU/L abnormal CA-125 values and definitions NORMAL CA-125 TEST RESULT What is a value of a normal CA-125 level?
Positive staining for CA 125 (5% or more of the epithelium) was present in 68% of the carcinomas; another 8% of the tumors contained focal staining for CA 125. Positive staining for CA 19-9 was demonstrated in 60% of tumors; another 8% of the tumors showed focal staining for CA 19...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook NOR (redirected fromNormal Operating Range) Category filter: AcronymDefinition NORNorman(Amtrak station code; Norman, OK) NORNotice of Race(sailing) NORNorway NORNorth of the River(Bakersfield, CA) NORNorwegian(language) ...
CA125 level of cervical secretion,vaginal secretion and serum among women with normal procreating period in various age groups(P0.05);There was significant difference on CA125 level of cervical secretion,vaginal secretion and serum(P0.05).Conclusion The CA125 expression on cervical and vaginal ...
High CA-125 concentrations in peritoneal fluid of normal cyclic women with various infertility-related factors as demonstrated with two-step immunoradiometric assay.doi:10.1016/S0015-0282(16)54656-1Objective To determine CA-125 concentrations and total amounts in peritoneal fluid (PF) of women with...
.eCorrelation between the protein expression profiles of each HMEC or organoid cell and expression signatures derived from the major epithelial clusters in matched primary tissue. Box plots (center line, median; box limits, upper and lower quartiles; whiskers, 1.5× interquartile range) show the ...
A body phased array coil was utilized, and the scanning range extended from the anterior superior iliac spine to the superior margin of the pubic symphysis. A turbo spin echo (TSE) sequence was employed for imaging, with the following scan parameters: axial view: TSE T1-weighted imaging (...
The clinical and pathological features of metastatic prostate cancer with normal level of serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) were investigated. Four patients with metastatic prostate cancer had serum PSA within the normal range at the diagnosis. All tumors were poorly-differentiated adenocarcinoma. End...
Matsuoka Y, Endo K, Kawamura Y, Yoshida T, Saga T, Watanabe Y, Koizumi M, Nakashima T, Konishi J, Yama- guchi N, Yatani R: Normal bronchial mucus contains high levels of cancer-associated antigens, CA125, CA19-9, and carcinoembryonic antigen. Cancer 1990; 65: 506―510....