In medicine, the term pulse rate refers to the number of pulses generated by the heart’s activity in the blood vessels during a specific unit of time (usually one minute). As a rule, the pulse rate coincides with the heart rate. Various factors, such as exercise, stress or certain dise...
In the meantime, it is well known that illnesses can have different gender-specific courses. There are also differences in blood pressure between the male and female sexes: in general, it can be said that women’s blood pressure is lower than men’s until their menopause33After the menopause...
Focus on vascular function in female reproduction: angiogenesis and vascular function in the ovary. Reproduction. 2009;138:869–81. PubMed CAS Google Scholar Kamat BR, Brown LF, Manseau EJ, Senger DR, Dvorak HF. Expression of vascular permeability factor/vascular endothelial growth factor by ...
Bardoni B, Zanaria E, Guioli G, Floridia G, Worley KC, Tononi G, Ferrante E, Chiumello G, McCabe ERB, Fraccaro M, Zuffardi O, Camerino G (1994) A dosage sensitive locus at chromosome Xp21 is involved in male to female sex reversal. Nature Genet 7:497–501 Article PubMed CAS Goog...
Hence 42 °C and 41.5 °C have been considered as the optimum temperatures for male and female fireflies of L. praeusta7. In the present case, the flash duration becomes minimum, which implies the maximum rate of the luciferase-luciferin reaction, at 34 (± 0.5) ºC. This ...
Normal weight insulin resistant phenotype was characterized in 251 Japanese female university students using homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance. Birth weight, body composition at age 20, cardiometabolic traits and dietary intake were compared cross-sectionally between insulin sensitive (<1.6, n...
Heart Rate and Gender There’s a myth that you can predict your child’s sex by listening to its heartbeat in the womb. The notion is that male and female fetuses have different heart rates. Female fetuses, themyth holds, have heart rates of 140 bpm or higher, while male fetuses’ hav...
The participants met the following requirements: (1) age, between 18 years and 25 years; (2) weight, between 45 kg and 65 kg; (3) no smoking, no alcohol use, no drug use, no addiction to network; (4) vital signs of the individual including heart rate, breath rate, pulse rate, ...
In standard medical practice, there are four locations frequently used for measuring heart rate. These are the brachial pulse (in the crook of the arm), the pedal pulse (on the top of the foot), the carotid pulse (on the neck), and the radial pulse (on the...
1a). Two hours after each NTG treatment, acute hypersensitivity was observed in male and female mice, whereas the vehicle did not induce nociceptive sensitization (Fig. 1b, left panel, p < 0.001 treatment effect). Mechanical sensitivity assessed before NTG injections and after the end of ...