Effective pulmonary blood flow VTCO2 : Volume of CO2 eliminated by one breath Δt: Time for the breath cycle.References Schibler A, Henning R: Measurement of functional residual capacity in rabbits and children using an ultrasonic flow meter. Pediatr Res. 2001, 49 (4): 581-588. Article...
The microgravity environment during space flight imposes numerous adverse effects on animal and microbial physiology. It is unclear, however, how microgravity impacts those cellular interactions between mutualistic microbes and their hosts. Here, we used the symbiosis between the host squidEuprymna scolopes...
Blood pressure was obtained using a high-definition canine/feline oscillometer (VET HDO High Definition Oscillometer, Babenhausen, Germany), before ultrasound examination. An average of two readings with good agreement was utilized to establish diastolic and systolic pressures. To indicate vascular ...