The variance of angles between M-mode beam direction recommended by the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) and vertical line against left ventricular long axis which was located in a two-dimensional parasternal long axis echogram at end-diastole was studied in thirty four normal adult ...
The Normal Examination Precordial, suprasternal and subcostal windows offer a multitude of views for the echocardiographic examination of the heart and great vessels in infancy and childhood. While two-dimensional echocardiography provides very good options for detailed morphologic cardiovascular assessment es...
As previously described in detail [8], proximal-LAD was imaged from a modified parasternal long-axis view or using a modified apical 5-chamber view (traversing anterior wall of the heart) within the area lateral to the sinus of Valsalva, with the left atrial appendage and pulmonary artery re...
Images of parasternal short-axis views and apical four-chamber views were obtained in all swine, the quality of the images of apical four-chamber views in swine with a body weight greater than 130 kg was low. Hence, such images have no diagnostic value. In conclusion, we found that many...
The M-mode parasternal long-axis view is used to measure the left ventricular posterior wall thickness at end-systole (PWTs) and end-diastole (PWTd). The DWS is simply calculated by the formula (PWTs − PWTd)/PWTs. RFCA procedures RFCA was performed according to the Japanese ...
combination with high-dose dipyridamole (up to 0.84 mg over 6 min), in accordance to well established protocols [14,15]. During the procedure, BP and ECG were recorded each minute. Coronary flow in the mid-distal portion of LAD was searched in the low parasternal long-axis cross ...
cardiographyWasperformedin7 normaladults UndertheparasternalshortaXisvieWWeevaluatedtheWallstructure attheleftventricularpapillarymusclelevel Thethicknessandratioofleftventricularnoncompactandcompactlayers Weremeasuredinbothendphasesofsystoleanddiastole Results1 Thethicknessandratioofnoncompactandcom- pactlayersmeasuredfr...
Long-axis and short-axis echocardiographic tomograms were obtained from the right parasternal location, and these images were used to determine internal cardiac dimensions, ventricular and septal wall thicknesses, repeatability of the study, and interobserver variability. Some but not all parameters ...
Tricuspid inflow velocities during rapid filling (E) and atrial contraction (A) were significantly higher when recorded from a right parasternal angled view than from a right parasternal long-axis view. In 8 horses the tricuspid inflow peak A velocity was higher than the peak E velocity. The ...
The aorta, right pulmonary artery and pulmonary trunk were measured from the 2-dimensional echocardiogram (2鈭扗 echo) of 110 normal subjects aged 1 day to 18 years. The vessel diameters were measured from the parasternal short-axis view, the suprasternal long-axis view and the suprasternal ...