normal vector of a surface 曲面的法线矢量 normal to a surface 曲面的法线,表面的法线 normal vector 标准矢量 surface normal 曲面法线 normal surface 垂直面,正交面 normal curvature vector 法曲率向量 outer normal vector 外法线向量 outward unit normal vector 外向单位法向向量 spacelike normal...
Definition: If T is the unit vector of a smooth curve, the curvature function of the curve is κ=|dTds|. 曲率的意义是曲线扭曲的程度,如图,直线“不曲”,因此曲率为0. 曲率越大,曲线就越弯。 曲率的计算方法:一般情况下,用定义是不方便计算 κ 的值的,所以我们找一个更简单的方法,用chain rule...
normal vector [英]ˈnɔ:məl ˈvektə [美]ˈnɔrməl ˈvɛktɚ法向矢量,标准矢量 [例句]The equation of a plane in 3d space is defined with normal vector ( perpendicular to the plane ) and a known point on the...
VECTOR analysisSYMMETRIC functionsPOLYHEDRAL functionsFor hypotheses about linear inequalities, we present algorithms to construct a more powerful test from a test with symmetric critical region, e.g., LRT and the tests of Liu and Berger's (1995). The test obtained from our algorithm is ...
-Constructing a unit normal vector to a surface _ Multivariable Calculus _ Kh 多元微积分,搬运自Khan Academy。 Grant讲解,链接
The essentially 3-dimensional nature of the spatial vectorcardiogram (sVCG) requires that it be studied as a vector sequence in space, and not merely in its projections on the arbitrary frontal, sagittal, and transverse planes. One striking characteristic of the normal QRS s-loop is that it li...
vector<double> normalizedData_l1, normalizedData_l2, normalizedData_inf, normalizedData_minmax; // Norm to probability (total count) // sum(numbers) = 23.0 normalize(positiveData, normalizedData_l1, 5.0, 100.0, NORM_L1); cout <<"*normalizedData_l1*:" << endl; ...
The Householder formula is a robust and efficient way to compute tangent and bitangent vectors given a surface normal. The computed vector fields are both locally and globally coherent. The accompanying demo illustrates the tangent vector fields of several quadratic surfaces : Ellipsoid, Elliptic ...
Let X be an observation from a p-variate normal distribution (p ≧ 3) with mean vector θ and unknown positive definite covariance matrix Σ. It is desired to estimate θ under the quadratic loss L(δ,θ,Σ)=(δθ)tQ(δθ)/tr(QΣ), where Q is a known positive definite matrix. Es...
What is a face normal? A face normal is a vector that describesthe direction a polygon is facing(see figure 1) Figure 1: The face normal of a surface What is a vertex normal? Vertex normal have some relationships with face normal. We will discuss it in "How to calculate face normal ...