然而,由于Normal Map使用RGB三个通道,且在插件运行的时候,除了当前的图片你无法选择别的图片,所以你必须把高度图信息存放在当前Normal Map的alpha通道 所以,当使用此选项时,请同时选择“Height Source”区的“Alpha Channel”,把alpha通道作为高度信息的来源,且默认情况下该选项是灰的,为了能勾选该选项,请在运行插件...
“Alpha Channel”选项 将贴图的alpha通道作为高度信息,注意,该插件只对你选中的通道进行操作,所以如果你没有预先选中alpha通道,那该选项就是灰色不可用的 “Average RGB”选项 求RGB三通道的平均值作为高度信息,并以此计算出Normal Map “Alternate Conversions”区 该区包含各种其他目的对应的转换 “Biased RGB”选项...
This is what some of the normal map textures in MHW look like: [] This is a regular normal map with the blue channel blacked out. This is because the charging color, which dual blades use in demon mode, great sword uses when charging, bow uses when charging etc etc etc, those are ...
we will not need light sources to render it out. By keeping the original texture's bump channel, we allow the details contained there to be incorporated into the normal map - bump maps work by wiggling the normal vector of a rendered surface, and because we kept the "Use Bump" checkbox ...
The blue channel encodes Z (depth) vector information. Enter the "normal map". While a height map only contains 1 plane of information - the "Z" (height) plane, a normal map contains 3 vectors of information - "X" direction, "Y" direction and "Z" direction. Thus, each pixel in a...
The tree leaves use a shader than adds together two diffuse maps, one using a regular tangent-space normal map, the other using the same normal map but with the blue channel inverted. This causes the diffuse map using the regular normal map to only get lit on the side facing the light ...
Description Converts a height-map to a normal-map. Parameters: Select channel to use as height Selects which channel to use as the height. Luminance is a monochrome value computed from Red, Green, and Blue channels. Mirror in U coordinate Mirroring across U coordinate. Mirror in V coordinate...
They don't compress very well, since the blue channel can't be recreated in the shader like with tangent-space maps. Also the three color channels contain very different data which doesn't compress well, creating many artifacts. Using a half-resolution object-space map is one option. Another...
Results change when you choose a different filter * Conversion - Let's you choose what is used to create the normal map. Max/Min RGB or only one color channel can be very helpful sometimes ''Checkboxes:'' * Wrap - Normal map will pattern seamless. Definitely use it for map textures!
Note we’re only using ‘RGB’ so we’ll be saving using that, ‘RGBA’ would be required if we also want to save out the alpha channel which we’re not doing in these examples. In the below comparison, let’s take a look at using the same normal map that was baked for the cube...