ControlNet系列篇之Depth&NormalMap 本期内容为ControlNet里Depth和NormalMap的解析,从原理到参数再到案例分析深入浅出讲解深度检测与法线贴图的应用。 ControlNet的引入,使得AI绘画成为 - 攻城狮鹿鸣君于20240127发布在抖音,已经收获了2498个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生
ControlNet三维类控制 #ControlNet #Depth #NormalMap - 马鹿野郎于20240523发布在抖音,已经收获了3021个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
从height map计算normal map靠的是差分,所以直觉上从normal map计算height map就需要积分。但因为normal map保存的时候经过量化,误差比较大,造成不同的积分路径无法收敛到同一个值。 所以NV的方法是,先根据normal map计算depth difference map(DDM)。然后对DDM上的每个pixel,根据极坐标从小到大的顺序累计几圈,得到最...
We thus propose to organise LiDAR point as three different maps: dense depth map, height map and surface normal map. Specifically, given a pair of RGB image and sparse depth map projected from LiDAR point cloud, we propose a parameter self-adaptive method to upgrade sparse depth map to ...
Bitmap: 适合与决策支持系统; 做UPDATE代价非常高; 非常适合OR操作符的查询; 基数比较少的时候才能建位图索引; 树型结构: 索引头 开始ROWID,结束ROWID(先列出索引的最大范围) BITMAP 每一个BIT对应着一个ROWID,它的值是1还是0,如果是1,表示着BIT对应的ROWID有值 ...
Depth ImageNormal Map But, we can't find plane from this normal map due to normal vectors appear in different values depending on the depth even though they are on the same plane. This is because we calculate normal vector on the normalized camera coordinate. Thus, these vectors do not ref...
What's new : Except for the RGB image, we also support render depth map, alpha map, normal map and extra per-Gaussian attributes (both forward and backward process) compared with the original repository. 📣 We recently support computing the gradient w.r.t. camera pose. However, this feat...
Normal Map is a technique used in Minecraft shaders to add depth and detail to surfaces without increasing the number of polygons. These maps are used to simulate the appearance of bumpiness, roughness, and other surface details. Normal maps are typically used to enhance the appearance of ...
法线贴图NormalMap 首先要提到的是,什么是法线贴图,如果大家想看更专业的解释可以自行求助搜索引擎,这里我说一下我的个人理解:在游戏中,如果角色或物体模型做的越精细(面数越多),那么渲染后效果也就越好,但很多时候处于对时间成本(据说一个美术做一个高模是要花不少时间的)和游戏性能(面数越多,GPU的运算量就越...