I sat there, in my wheelchair, a box of kleenex on my lap, sobbing, looking at my schedule for the rest of the day, and I had a little heart to heart talk with myself. I could “accept” that my new reality was learning how to live life in a wheelchair…or I could fight like...
Your baby has either a lip/tongue tie. This will cause your baby to be sucking in more air and result in being very gassy, spitting up a lot, and not pooping as much because the baby isn’t getting the hind milk it needs. Reply Stella Dec 1 at 10:00 am have you used gripe wa...
Like your little sister, you have a lot of silly in you. It's nearly impossible to get a decent picture of you, one that doesn't involve your tongue, a scowl, or some other goofy expression. You love to do and say ridiculous things to make others laugh, and you have a great sense...
the top of my mouth and whole left side of my mouth and face is completely numb. My jaw has even shifted to the right and a lisp has developed and gotten worse. I often bite my tongue. I only chew on my right side. Most of the time, food will get stuck at the top of my mout...
8."It may gross out other people but the sound some people make when they talk into a microphone. It’s like a clicking of the tongue as they speak and it’s very wet. Not everyone does it but when they do I get fully repulsed." ...