House White Steam Room Air Humidifier Fume Humidity Normal Distributing Moistener Relative Ultrasonic Background Water Technology Smoke Home Health Fog More similar stock footage HD An ultrasonic humidifier spreading steam HD An ultrasonic humidifier spreading steam ...
Normal wear and tear will happen, and as a landlord, you are responsible for returning the house to its original state. But when dealing with property damage, the tenant is responsible, and if that’s the case, their security deposit will go towards repairing those damages. Below are som...
aPn was measured at 10:00 am by using a portable photosynthetic system (CIRAS-1, PP Systems International Ltd., UK) at(25 ± 5) C, 320 lL L1 CO2 and 80% relative humidity. The PPFD was 300 lmol m2 s1, provided by the tungsten–halogen lamp on the leaf chamber of CIRAS-...
Experimental mice were housed at two to five per cage in IVC-Mouse GM 500 cages with a light cycle of 04.00–16.00, 21 °C and 50% humidity. Female NSG mice stably engrafted with HLA-A2pos human cord blood cells were purchased from the Jackson Laboratory. Following confirmation of ...
However, it has been shown that their mechanical strength can deteriorate upon long-term exposure to high temperatures and high humidity [121], [139]. PI coatings are susceptible to loss of plasticity at elevated temperatures which can increase the stress exerted onto the silica fibre, increase ...
Myelin, critical for the correct function of the nervous system, is organized in different patterns that can include long non-myelinated axonal segments. How myelin patterning is regulated remains unexplained. The carbohydrate-binding protein galectin-4
Rats were group housed during the acclimatization period under controlled conditions with a 12-h dark/light cycle with lights on at 6 AM, humidity of 45–65% and at a temperature of 21–23 ◦C with ad libitum access to water and standard rodent diet (D12450B, Research Diets, Inc., ...
Method for Determination of Water Absorption; British Standard Institution: London, UK, 1983. 43. Wongkeo, W.; Thongsanitgarn, P.; Ngamjarurojana, A.; Chaipanich, A. Compressive strength and chloride resistance of self-compacting concrete containing high level fly ash and silica fume. Mater....