growth hormonetreatmentheightThe increased availability of recombinant human GH (rhGH), albeit at a relatively high cost, has increased a demand for treatment of children and adolescents of normal height to increase their adult stature. There are no scientific reports on the efficacy and safety of ...
Article: Normal growth in high-risk hyperlipidemic children and adolescents with dietary intervention
Effects of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone on Height and Skeletal Maturation in Growth Hormone-Deficient Children with and without Severe Pretreatment Bon... The relative effects of growth hormone (GH) on GH-deficient (GHD) children with and without severely delayed skeletal maturation prior to treat...
The children that the children of sexual precocity compares normal growth is met in height respect little grow 2 - 3 years. 性早熟的儿童比正常发育的儿童在身高方面会少生长2-3年。 9. The condition causes fluid loss and reduces the body's supply of zinc. This mineral ...
Body mass index is a calculation of child's weight in relation to her height used to assess body fat and potential weight problems. This number alone is not diagnostic for children. Comparing BMI to other children of the same sex and age in growth charts helps to present a picture of your...
We sought to establish normal values for the diameters of the thoracic aorta and reference curves related to body growth in children using CE-CMRA. Results CE-CMRA was performed in 53 children without cardiovascular disease. The median age was 9 years (range 2 – 20 years), weight 30 kg (...
Guyda, H (1993) Final height attainment in normal chidren with short stature treated with growth hormone: international task force report. Pediatr Res 33: pp. 43Guyda, H (1993) Final height attainment in normal children with short stature treated with growth hormone. International Task Force (...
A double logistic model was used to compare six parameters of growth in standing height of 31 children with Down''s syndrome with 136 children from the California Guidance Study.doi:10.1080/03014467500000951Rarick, G. LawrenceWainer, Howard
Samaras TT, Elrick H, Storms LH. Height, health and growth hormone. Acta Paediatrica 1999;88: 602–609. PubMedCASGoogle Scholar Pozo J, Argente J, Barrios V, Gonzalez-Parra S, Munoz MT, Hernandez H. Growth hormone secretion in children with normal variants of short stature. Horm Res 199...
There is a steady increase in muscle fibre diameter and area with increasing body size for each muscle examined and we provide figures against which changes in abnormal muscle can be compared. 展开 关键词: Humans Body Weight Body Height Growth Muscle Development Adolescent Child Child, Preschool ...