Heart rate (beats/min) 296–388 Cardiac output (mL/min) 10–80 Blood volume (mL/kg) 64 Pulmonary Respiration (Breaths/min) 100–140 Tidal Volume (mL) 1.1–2.5 Compliance (mL/cm H2O) 0.3–0.9 Resistance (cm H2O/mL*s) 0.1–0.55 Pattern Obligate nasal Renal Urine volume 15–30 mL...
A group of male alcoholics ( n = 15) and a group of male controls ( m = 15) received a 100 dB tone while heart rate was recorded. While both groups exhibited equal amplitudes on the short latency component, alcoholics exhibited a slower initial response time and relative to normal ...
Modern medicine emphasizes the concept of homeostasis, constancy of the intern milieu. Accordingly, it is assumed that biological functions and processes are relatively stable during the 24 h and other time periods and that the exacerbation of disease an
To diagnose heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), the following three criteria have to be fulfilled [1–8]:...
m,«mole2 m^mole2 Normal 10-year-old male 24-year-old female Cystinotic 8-year-old male 4-year-old male 1.45 6.0 0.07 5.0 <0.084 0.07 0.47 5.3 0.06 3.5 <0.254 <0.294 7.5 6.85 2.7 5.8 2.8 3.8 6.3 2.6 6.1 2.5 1.52 0.53 9.0 8.9 0.43 0.13 1.5 1.2 1 The specific activity of ...
(2022) compared the STT values of 1–6 days old healthy lambs to lambs with E. coli infection and found that the results were significantly lower for the lambs infected with E. coli. They reported the average values of STT for the healthy lambs to be 16.6 ± 8.54 mm/min in both eyes...
Preterm infants born before 32 weeks gestation have increased risks for neurodevelopmental impairment at two years of age. How brain function differs between preterm infants with normal or impaired development is unknown. However, abnormal spontaneous mo
I am last year bsc nursing student. This website helped me a lot in my academics. Thankyou for such a nice website with superb notes. Reply Boateng Wisdom April 20, 2019 at 1:36 AM Hello! please I’m a person of Boateng Wisdom, I’m about to write my licensing exam, please...
The exclusion criteria were as follows: tuberculo- sis treatment during the study period, blood pres- sure > 180/120 mmHg or heart rate > 120 beats/min, myocardial infarction or cerebrovascular accident within 3 months prior to inclusion, pregnancy, or any condi- tion that...
Name: David Smith. Sex: male. Internal medicine 2 beds. Symptoms: stomach pain intense yesterday admitted to vomiting 2 times. Signs: temperature rises to 104 China's photography degrees, bowel sounds markedly, by diarrhoea. Heart rate pulse rate normal. Diagnosis: acute gastroenteritis. Treatment...