Age-dependent hearing loss in normal hearing mice . Naturwissenschaften 61 , 506–507 10.1007/BF00622976 [ Cross Ref ]Ehret G. Age-dependent hearing loss in normal hearing mice. Naturwissenschaften. 1974; 61 :506–507. doi: 10.1007/BF00622976. [ Cross Ref ]...
【英语版】国际标准 ISO 7029:1984 EN 声学 耳科正常人的气导听阈与年龄和性别的关系 Acoustics — Threshold of hearing by air conduction as a function of age and sex for otologically normal persons.pdf,ISO 7029:1984标准,即“听力学的EN标准—听力正常者通过空气
As forhearing loss, aging is a possible cause. Doctors call it presbycusis if age is to blame – and not, say, all the stadium concerts from your younger days that you wouldn’t have missed for anything. This type of hearing loss happens gradually. Over time, it can make it harder to...
They are typically standardized tests that cover a wide range of questions including logical, visual, spatial, classification, analogical, and pattern-driven questions. The IQ is determined by the deviation between the test score and the average test score of people of your age. IQ is considered...
The goal of this study was to examine this issue more fully, using a sample of 233 young (median age 21.2 years, 3.1-year interquartile range), normal-hearing listeners (pure tone thresholds ≤ 25 dB HL from 250 - 8000 Hz). Results provide normative data on each of the (self-...
Twenty subjects participated in the study (average age = 29; SD = 3.7; range 23-35 years). All participants had hearing level not worse than 25dB HL at octave frequencies from 250Hz to 4000Hz. Listeners’ task was to adjust the level of music played in quiet to their most comfortable ...
Six participants were excluded from the study due to abnormal hearing thresholds (n = 3), asymmetric air-conduction hearing thresholds across the ears (n = 1), and tympanometric results outside the normal range (n = 2). Following the completion of the test session, which lasted for about...
Understanding speech when background noise is present is a critical everyday task that varies widely among people. A key challenge is to understand why some people struggle with speech-in-noise perception, despite having clinically normal hearing. Here,
Betül Taşcı3 and Mustafa Bülent Şerbetçioğlu1 Abstract Objectıve The objective of this study is to obtain normative data of the masseter vestibular-evoked myogenic potential (mVEMP) test in healthy individuals without hearing loss and dizziness an...
intelligibility; synthetic speech; hearing-impaired; noise; intelligibility model; Mandarin Chinese1. Introduction Synthetic speech generated by computers has been increasingly used in lieu of actual human voices in human–machine interfaces. Nearly all digital assistants, such as Amazon Alexa and Apple ...