Dillen L, Fontaine JR, Verhofstadt-Deneve L. Are normal and complicated grief different constructs? A confirmatory factor analytic test. Clin Psychol Psychother. 2008;15(6):386-395.Dillen L, Fontaine JR, Verhofstadt-Deneve L. Are normal and compli- cated grief different constructs? A ...
Immunological and neuroimaging biomarkers of complicated grief. Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2012;14(2):141-148.PubMedGoogle Scholar 42. Freed PJ, Yanagihara TK, Hirsch J, Mann JJ. Neural mechanisms of grief regulation. Biol Psychiatry. 2009;66(1):33-40.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 43. Gündel...
Normal Grief: Good or Bad? Health or Disease? Darwin, Freud, and Pollock considered normal grief an adaptive emotion, associating gritivity, loss and form new attachments. In contrast, Engel, Bowlby, and Hofer, building upon the work of Lindemann, argued that both normal and patholo......
and Connell’s immense grief brings to light all the pre-existing problems in their relationship. Helen leaves him, and with his last tether to a semblance of a normal life gone, Connell sinks deeply into a depression until his roommate suggests he reach out ...
As a result she turned to her first boyfriend for support, only to lose him to a motorcycle accident, thereby doubling her grief. After that she had several more relationships with men who were bad for her in different ways–several of whom were outright abusive. Trauma inevitable if you ...
Usage 1) 'Psychosis' is often misleading misused to describe anyone who occasionally experiences hallucinations. This overlooks the fact that 10% of the general public reports having had an hallucination and 20% have had a direct encounter with an angel or devil.http://abcnews.go.com/...