METHODS: The amount of first metatarsophalangeal extension and medial longitudinal arch movement of the right foot in 20 subjects between the age of 22 and 55 years was recorded as they sat with their right hip, knee and ankle in 90 degrees and their great toe passively extended. In ...
Three days later I had a lower abdominal CT scan and chest x-ray that fortunately showed no obvious spread of my cancer to other organs. Although that’s great news, if the cancer is found in surrounding lymph nodes that will be harvested and inspected during my surgery, I’ll certainly ...
A great deal of excellent work has been done to facilitate the creation of realistic simulations of walking and to begin describing the mechanics of walking in terms only possible through the use of simulation. Motion analysis describes the motions and external forces present during gait, and ...
2009). By this time great water depth has developed due to the high rate of subsidence and humid climate (Sztanó et al. 2015). The sedimentary succession starts with lacustrine marls in the basin center, which are missing in the subaerially exposed basin-margins and are only a few 10's...