The gold/silver price ratio is currently around 78, which is towards the top of its 40-year range. A return to a ratio of 70 – assuming gold stays unchanged – would lift silver by around 10%.Right up there on the "undervalued-compared-to-gold" list is platinum, which should, ...
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We welcome your enquiry of date and thank you for your interest in our products.We have received your enquiry of date with thanks,and are glad that your are interest in our product.A copy of the illustrated catalog sent to you today,some of the samples.We often use in our production....
and local police departments are most acutely seeing the very dark and disturbing side of state policy. They, more than any other, know the reality of the collateral damage that only can and will be alleviated when businesses reopen and workers return to work. They have discretion in enforcemen...