就是和一个平面垂直的力。Normal force翻译过来是正向力,你也可以叫它支持力。但是支持力可能不是单方向,其中和平面垂直的component才是normal force."In mechanics, the normal force Fn is the component, perpendicular to the surface of contact, of the contact force exerted on an object by,...
Theso-calleddefectof theresolutionofshareholdersgeneralmeetingis defined as thelegaldeficiencieswhichaffectthenormalforce. 所谓股东大会决议瑕疵,是指在股份有限公司股东大会决议中可能出现的影响其正常效力的法律缺陷。 www.fabiao.net 4. Andthen there isthenormalforceperpendiculartothesurface. ...
The normal reaction is the force acting on the body when it is kept on a surface. It acts perpendicular to the surface on which it is kept. From... Learn more about this topic: Forces: Balanced and Unbalanced from Chapter 5/ Lesson 6 ...
The normal force is a contact force, meaning that two objects in contact will generate the normal force that is perpendicular to the plane of their contact. It is a non-conservative, external force.Answer and Explanation: No, normal force does not technically affect helicopters when they are ...
The force exerted by a surface on an object in contact with it which prevents the object from passing through the surface; the force is perpendicular to the surface, and is the only force that the surface exerts on the object in the absence of frictional forces.McGraw...
The word "normal" in this context is a mathematical term that means "perpendicular to a surface." In general, two objects in contact with one another push on each other in the direction perpendicular to the contact surface. Now, at the top of the loop, the rollercoaster car must have a...
Normal force: when a contact force acts perpendicular to the common surface of contact, it is usually referred to as the NORMAL FORCE. 这是大学物理课本对normal force的定义。翻译过来就是:垂直于接触面的接触力。也就是我我们中国课本里的支持力或正压力。 5楼2017-11-16 16:06 回复 ...
The results show how the normal force (the force component perpendicular to the workpiece) varies during the cut and how it is dependent on the examined parameters. This force changes from negative to positive during the cut. When altering the machining parameters, the normal force changes in ...
FAQ: At what angle does the normal force go to zero? What is the normal force? The normal force is the perpendicular force that acts on an object when it is in contact with a surface. It is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force exerted by the object on the ...
In summary, the Capstan equation describes the relationship between the tension in a rope wrapped around a cylindrical object and the friction between the rope and the surface of the cylinder. It illustrates how the normal force, which is the perpendicular force exerted by the surface on the ...