1.(in a plane Cartesian coordinate system) the axis, usu. vertical, along which the ordinate is measured and from which the abscissa is measured. 2.(in a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system) the axis along which values ofyare measured and at which bothxandzequal zero. ...
In electrocardiographic language "injury" refers to abnormal ST-segment changes (see figure 94-2), "necrosis" implies abnormal Q waves, and "ischemia" implies symmetrical T-wave inversion (or elevation). According to current-of-injury theory, ST-segment elevation occurs when the injured muscle is...
normalQRS axis normal P waves height < 2.5 mm in lead II width < 0.11 s in lead II for abnormal P waves seeright atrial hypertrophy,left atrial hypertrophy,atrial premature beat,hyperkalaemia normal QT interval Calculate the corrected QT interval (QTc) by dividing the QT interval by the squ...
The brain is a bumpy, complex structure with holes called ventricles, which are filled with cerebrospinal fluid. Explore the functions and production of cerebrospinal fluid and how this fluid plays an important role in protecting the brain from damage. Related...
244K An electrocardiogram (ECG) records the flow of electrical current on three distinct waves. Explore the purpose of an ECG, the three wave types, and the purpose of each wave on an ECG. Related to this QuestionWhat is the EKG? Explain the following ...
The EEG in the normal awake child and adult is well known and needs to be known for proper reading and reporting and identifying an abnormal transient or pattern. The following are points of emphasis: Alpha rhythm seen after age of 5 years, Significant theta activity (4鈥 7 Hz) is ...
Abnormal heartbeats also can be felt by taking a patient's pulse and by a doctor's diagnosis. Tests to diagnose atrial fibrillation EKG (electrocardiogram): An electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) is a brief recording of the heart's electrical discharges. The irregular EKG tracings of AF are easy...
(EKG) machine. This heart tracing shows a distinct pattern in the electricity of the heart that your doctor can diagnose. If your AFib comes and goes, you may need to wear a continuous heart monitor (Holter monitor) to diagnose the abnormal rhythm. In addition, some heart monitors may be...
only a few Ilowever, between I wk and I mo of age, this pattern ages iverc represented. making it dillicult to recognize the age disappeared and returned gradually beginning at 2 mo of trends in either the SlDS victinis or the controls and thus dillicult age. 'l'he scatter of points...
Social sciences Abnormal psychology In a case of seizures, what is the significance of a normal chest exam?Question:In a case of seizures, what is the significance of a normal chest exam?Chest examChest examination is the phenomenon in which ones respiratory system is examined. ...