ECGelectrocardiogramLVleft ventricularMImyocardial infarctionWe sought to investigate whether alterations in cardiac high energy phosphates occur in postischemic "stunned" human myocardium. Transient postischemic myocardial dysfunction is a common phenomenon that occurs in a variety of clinical settings in the...
N = 14) were not significantly shallower than those created in healthy myocardium (5.0 ± 2. mm,N = 8,p = 0.40) (Fig.7d). However, transmurality was higher in lesions created in underlying scar (59.9 ± 24.2% vs. 35.5 ± 19.7%, p < ...
The decision to add imaging in patients who have an interpretable ECG and are capable of vigorous exercise is important because imaging and nonimaging testing have different diagnostic accuracies, predictive values, and costs. Most, but not all, studies evaluating cohorts of patients undergoing both...
In the final set of simulations, we investigated the effects of MI as performed in the sheep dataset by setting the active stress\(S^{act} = 0\)in Eq. (8) within the infarcted myocardium. We simulated an apical infarct as in the experiment, where pump function was impaired by MI. We...
In discussing the results we use the dimension- less parameter r to characterize the ferromagnetic layer thickness d, taking the niobium Fermi momen- nPvtZpfFeuaai↑2rgm=r,rr=F.yaor 22mi,m7(igdnhnnk2uea)F↑tf(rNag.eoe1b−nrTr rs2ea+h0tnnae.is1rgc↓hh1ep3e)o1)l./5la...
ECGgated perfusion imaging equipment rightheart catheterization image acquisition indications interpretation characterization defectsnormal anatomy quantitative analyses viewing sequence perfusion analysis planar images positron emission tomography PET blood flow tracers clinical applications FDG hypertrophiccardiomyopathy me...
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MIGBF-2B3P1-1c,elMlsC, tPh-e 1f,acItLo-r6s, dILet-e1cαte, dGbRyOarar/aby/sg,anGdRsOecrαe,teIdL-a8t, aMsiIgPn, iMficIaPn-t1lαe,veulPaAreRF, GICF-A6M, G-M1, -aCnSdF, MIGMFBPP-1-1(F, iMguCrPe-12,)I.LI-n6, sIeLn-e1sαc,eGntRnOona/tubm/go,riGgeRnOicαM, ...