x-rayportographyContrast enhanced helical computed tomography (CT) of the liver and portal system is routinely performed in human patients. The purpose of this project is to develop a practical protocol for helical CT portography in the dog. Ten clinically normal dogs were initially evaluated to ...
After introduction of human fetal bone marrow into a mammalian host, after irradiation of the host, for example, a SCID/SCID mice at 200-400 RADs as whole body or a single dose of 600 RADs after shielding of thorax and abdomen. Non-human mammals having human peripheral blood cells present...
Figure 7 - Anatomy of the laboratory mouse: in vivo imaging atlas on a high-resolution X-ray computed tomography (micro-CT) Figure 8 - Mouse - 3D - Anatomy atlas: Skeleton, Bones, Osteology Figure 9 - Mouse - Whole body (CT): 3D, Gross anatomy ANATOMICAL PARTS Abdomen Abdominal ...