Improved automated leucocyte counting and differential in newborns achieved by the haematology analyser CELL-DYN 3500? Summary Automated leucocyte counts in newborns generated by the impedance principle are artificially affected by the high osmotic resistance of some newbor... K Drner,S Schulze,M Reinh...
Because aci- dophilic normoblasts are present in a normal fetal differential and because nuclei o f normoblasts are counted as WBC by the Coulter, we thought it was relevant to record their presence in the differential count among 200 cells. The lymphocytes repre- + +sent the main ...
The blood cell counts and clinical indications for fetal blood sampling are shown in Table I. Absolute neutrophil and eosinophil counts were calculated from the total white blood cell count (corrected for nucleated erythrocytes) and 200-cell leuko- + +cyte differential counts of whole blood smears...
Differential Effect of State Legislation in Altering the Lengths of Hospitalization on Normal Newborns in a Single Geographic Region 651Medical imagingImage guided radiation therapyField sizeCalibrationMedical treatment planningPediatric Research publishes original papers, invited reviews, and commentaries on the...
Discrete data such as counts of microbiome taxa resulting from next-generation sequencing are routinely encountered in bioinformatics. Taxa count data in microbiome studies are typically high-dimensional, over-dispersed, and can only reveal relative abundance therefore being treated as compositional. Analyzi...
Table 1. Characteristics of the participating women 1 (n = 100) and their newborns. 2.2. Routine Laboratory Analyses To rule out impaired renal function and/or hypoalbuminemia, cys C and albumin were determined in all plasma samples from all subjects during pregnancy. Albumin and cys C were...