3 Geologic setting, pressure–temperature evolution, and duration of thermal episodes For a better understanding of the differences found among the integrated study areas with respect to effective heating-duration at peak temperature conditions, a short overview on the tectonic history and its deciphering...
In this paper the effect of thermal smearing on the inverted α2F(Ω) of Pb is calculated at 1, 2, and 4 K and a new inversion formula proposed in which the effects of thermal broadening have been eliminated.doi:10.1016/0038-1098(85)90092-4C.R....
The following boundary conditions were chosen for the heat Eq. (8). At each blood flow inlet (IVC, LV), an inflow boundary condition was chosen and upstream temperature of 37 °C was specified. On the outer surface of the model, a thermal insulation boundary condition was used (no heat ...
s surface. We account for driving forces induced by 3-D density variations external to our model geometry by applying moving wall boundary conditions on each side wall, constrained by a continuous model velocity field determined from GPS observations and Quaternary fault slip rate data from Flesch ...
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Share and Cite MDPI and ACS Style Dhungel, B.P.; Monteuuis, G.; Giardina, C.; Tabar, M.S.; Feng, Y....
If all these conditions are satisfied, then reversed fragment rF of protein B might interact with partner P with a high probability. Obviously, the principles of PONDR-RIBS may be used not only for the reversed alignment, but also for the normal-order alignment. Suppose a segment F binds to...
In conditions of zero direct radiation, Kbn = 0, and the global radiation becomes entirely composed of the diffused component; consequently the diffused fraction must be unitary, k = 1. Therefore, in Equation (14) the constant c is 1. When these assumptions are taken into account and the ...
Analogous boundary conditions are used on the planes that limit the regions. They allow solution of the potential equations. The equations for y and z-components of the magnetic flux density vector in air-gap 1, Ba1y and Ba1z , produced by the current in the y-coil phase, are obtained...