Cell hybridsGap junctionsMetabolic cooperationTumor cellsCommunication competent rat cells, communication incompetent ( i.e. , gap junction defective) rat tumor cells and communication competent rat tumor cells were fused in different combinations and the resultant hybrid cells were tested with regard to ...
CellCyclesbyLovastatin toMultiple 1 SynchronizationofTumorandNormalCellsfromG Updatedversion http://cancerres.aacrjournals/content/51/13/3602 Accessthemostrecentversionofthisarticleat: E-mailalertsrelatedtothisarticleorjournal.Signuptoreceivefreeemail-alerts ...
“a cell within a tumor that possesses the capacity to self-renew and to cause the heterogeneouslineagesof cancer cells that comprise the tumor” (Fig. 2). Therefore,CSCscan only be defined experimentally by their capability to generate a continuously growing tumor. For this reason, putative ...
The study published inCancer Cellshows that exosomes from tumor cells ofbreast cancer(and other tumor types such as ovarian and endometrial) are different in size and composition than those ofhealthy cells. According to the head of the research group of chemoresistance and Predictors oftumor respons...
Tumor cells interact with several components of the extracellular matrix and with host cells (immune cells, fibroblasts, endothelial cells). Such multiple cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions condition angiogenesis, tumor growth, destruction of host tissues, local migration of cancer cells and their ...
TRAIL selectively induces apoptosis in numerous tumor cell lines while sparing normal cells, thus it has greatly spurred our attention. TRAIL能够选择性地诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡,而对正常组织细胞几乎没有毒性,因此目前受到人们广泛的关注。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 9. If STI571 inhibits the BCR-ABL kinase so eff...
Enumeration of the Simian Virus 40 Early Region Elements Necessary for Human Cell Transformation allele of the H-ras gene in normal human fibroblast, kidney epithelial, and mammary epithelial cells converted these cells to a tumorigenic state. Here... WC Hahn,SK Dessain,MW Brooks,... - 《Mole...
the length of the cell cycle of tumor cells is not necessarily shorter than the cell cycle of some normal adult tissues (4). This is true both in laboratory animals and in man (2); 2. when a tumor is compared to its tissue of origin, the length of the cell cycle is usually, but...
Five cell lines (one parental, two transformed melanin producing, and two transformed non-melanin producing) were evaluated for the responses to 2- and 4-hydroxyanisole (2HA, 4HA) alone or combined with hyperthermia or radiation. All cells exhibited a non-specific toxic response to the two com...
The transcription factor MYB has a key role as a regulator of stem and progenitor cells in the bone marrow, colonic crypts and a neurogenic region of the adult brain. It is in these compartments that a deficit in MYB activity leads to severe or lethal phenotypes. As was predicted from its...