Modern medicine emphasizes the concept of homeostasis, constancy of the intern milieu. Accordingly, it is assumed that biological functions and processes are relatively stable during the 24 h and other time periods and that the exacerbation of disease an
Free Essay: Pituitary Surgery Perioperative Steroid Management in Patients with a Normal Hypothalamic Pituitary Axis INTRODUCTION Surgery on the pituitary...
2.3. Adjustment of Blood Pressure, R–R Intervals, and Respiration 2.3.1. Low-Frequency Components The adjustment of blood pressure and R–R intervals (the interval between consecutive heart beats; RRI) in the low-frequency domain mainly represents the sympathetically modulated mutual interrelation be...
O2 consumption (VO2: mL/min) and CO2 production (VCO2: mL/min) were measured continuously and derived from differences in content of O2 and CO2 between air samples drawn from the inlet (ambient air in the chamber) and outlet (ambient air in the chamber modified by respiration) of a “...