systolic will be the number on the top and diastolic will be the number on the bottom. You might see ablood pressure readingthat looks like this: 118/77.
人正常血压、心率、体温、脉搏(Normal blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, pulse) How much is the normal blood pressure of a person? Whats the low voltage? 1. The normal blood pressure is 120/80; 2, high voltage normal value is 90--140; 3, low voltage normal value is 60--90...
MmHg represents the height to which the pressure in the blood vessels can push a column of mercury in a manometer or sphygmomanometer, which are devices used to measure blood pressure. When a blood pressure reading is taken, two pressure levels are measured: systolic (the pressure during a hea...
A good heart rate differs from individual to individual, and it depends upon your age and the kind of physical work you do. Given below is the chart showing normal heart rates by age. Table. Heart Rate by Age Range However, a heart rate that is lower than 60 per minute does not neces...
Rapid heart rate: Fewer red blood cells mean your heart has to pump harder than usual to get enough oxygen to all the parts of your body, so your pulse may be faster. Severe anemia can even cause an irregular heartbeat. Tinnitus: Someone with tinnitus hears sounds in their ears even whe...
Beta-blockers, which are medications used to treat high blood pressure and hyperthyroidism, can act on heart rate as well and cause it to read as lower. Electrical abnormalities in the heart's pathways can also lower your resting heart rate....
Arterial pulse waveform analysis.These calculate the cardiac output from shock waves created by blood flow. Low Output If your heart doesn’t pump enough blood to supply your body and tissues, it could signalheart failure. Low output also could happen after you’ve lost too much blood, had ...
Decaffeinated coffee by mouth had no effect on pulse rate or blood pressure. Increase in blood pressure up to 10 mm. Hg followed the administration of 3 mg. caffeine per kg. body weight. Caffeine had a deleterious influence on acquired motor skill.-A. Lyall....
A 60-year-old woman with a history of hypertension, diabetes and renal disease presented to the hospital complaining of diffuse weakness for 24 hours. On examination, vital signs showed a normal temperature, pulse 100 beats/min, respiratory rate 25 breaths/min, pulse oximetry 97%, blood pressu...