Identify the structures A-E in this ultrasound image of …doi:10.1136/bmj.e5261Muthukumarasamy, S.Sinha, C. K.Hedayati, B.BMJBMJ (online)
snafu — a gestational age miscalculation, which can happen when your pregnancy isn’t as far along as was initially determined. While checking for other possibilities, it’s likely your practitioner will look at your levels again or may even order anultrasoundto better zero in on yourdue ...
An EEG uses ultrasound to diagnose brain dysfunctions. What is the cause of the patient s complaint? A. Unknown B. Fever C. Shortness of breath D. Trauma Fill in the blanks. The MVV is a general test that evaluates the performance of the ___, the ___ of the lung and...
Normal delivery will also be too risky if the baby is in an abnormal position (such as breech or transverse), in presence of features of a compromised or growth-restricted baby and if the baby has some abnormalities which can be detected by an ultrasound. In this case, a...