Update: she went for a scan today they said still to early to really tell , they've said maybe 6 weeks but no heartbeat to be seen so weekly scans until they know whether baby is growing or not OP posts: See all Quote Thanks Add post Share Report Bookmark Caribou...
There’s a myth that you can predict your child’s sex by listening to its heartbeat in the womb. The notion is that male and female fetuses have different heart rates. Female fetuses, themyth holds, have heart rates of 140 bpm or higher, while male fetuses’ have heart rates below 14...
Rapid heartbeat Dizziness Weakness Nausea Faintfeeling What Causes It? Certain things can raise your chance of postpartum hemorrhage. You’re at higher risk if you’ve had it before. For unknown reasons, Asian and Hispanic women are more likely to have it. The most common cause of postpartum...
In addition, oxygen saturation may also be elevated during oxygen therapy. However, if there is already an adequate supply of oxygen in the blood, the additional addition of O2 can increase the risk of lung failure, heart attacks, cardiac arrhythmias and organ failure. Too much oxygen is toxic...
I couldn’t understand that if the baby is measuring correctly to the day why the heartbeat wasn’t there. It’s probably the case the heart stopped the same day before the scan. We are devastated. I have been referred to EPAU today (Friday) who won’t accept the private s...