Alphafetoprotein(AFP) is a glycoprotein synthesized by the fetus early in gestation by the yolk sac and later by the gastrointestinal tract and liver. The concentration of AFP is highest in fetal serum and amniotic fluid around 13th week, and 32nd week in maternal serum. Some conditions are ...
Maternal serum pregnancy specific beta-1 glycoprotein (SP-1) levels in the second trimester may be predictive of Down syndrome (DS). An enzyme immunoassay was used to measure SP-1 sera from 46 DS pregnancies and 117 normal control women matched for maternal age, gestational age, and length ...
1.Objective:To investigate the condition of cellular immunity inNormal pregnant womenand patients with pregnancy- induced hypersensitivity(PIH) by analyzing the composition of T cell subset in peripheral blood lymphocyte (PEL).目的:检测正常孕妇及妊高征患者外周血T淋巴细胞亚群变化,了解病人细胞免疫功能状况。
Blood Chemistry of Normal Human Fetuses at Midtrimester of Pregnancy FRANCOIS FORESTIER, FERNAND DAFFOS, MARTINE RAINAUT, MARC BRUNEAU; AND FRANCOIS TRIVIN Centre de Diagnostic Prknatal et de Foetologie, Hopital Notre Dame de Bon Secours 75014[F.F, F.D, M.R]; Laboratoire de biochimie, ...
(gestational age at delivery, gravidity, parity, diabetes, number of gestations, steroid injections, and the utilized medications in pregnancy), and the presence of third trimester-urinary tract infection. In addition, the type of analgesia (either EA or parenteral opioids) was determined. Moreover...