Vaginal dischargenormally varies throughout the month. A healthy vagina continually secretes fluids that lubricate the vagina and vulva. Normal vaginal discharge helps clean the vagina by removing old cells. It's these mucus-like secretions that keep it healthy. The fluids can be clear ormilkylooki...
This hormone can be detected in small amounts in both the urine and the blood of a pregnant woman as early as 10 days after conception. Purpose Urine HCG tests are a common method of determining if a woman is pregnant. The best time to test for pregnancy is after the woman miss her ...
ClinicalTrials数据库提供临床试验Balance Control and Maturation in Normal and Deaf Children Aged From 6 to 14 Years Old的登记号NCT00140699,试验分期以及申办者Hospices Civils de Lyon的信息,更过关于临床试验的其他信息查询就在戊戌数据美国临床试验数据库.