DIN ISO 690:2013-10
cataloguing, a phase within the cycle of information processing, as well as its differences with the process of bibliographic description, is defined. the anglo-american cataloguing rules, in their second edition, are compared with the norms iso 690 -1 and 2 of bibliographic description concerning...
Sontheimer LT-FH7-001 63A/Ui 690V SOMMER GS810-B SOMMER SM3 SOMMER XY100 sommed GK25-N SOMAS MTV-A5-AAD-A11-DN100-PN25 SOLDO SB03201-20W01A2 Softing PB-PRO1S-PCI Sofasco DB15458V12HBL-FG-55 SOCOMEC 14001032 SOCOMEC 14010532 ...
NORIS-0160TIPC-4PN:6250V15A MOOG阀D661-4830 REXROTHAS3R412007915 hydacFSA-076-2.X/T/10 HUMMEL减径衔接件RSD-MsM63*1.5(1.077.6340.50)材质:黄铜镀镍 ATLAS接触器9106-1157-16SimbaH1354台车 HYDROTECHNIK3192-04-10.00 SMW12975 MOOG伺服阀F076-812 序列号:F213 ...
The Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, in their second edition, are compared with the norms ISO 690 -1 and 2 of bibliographic description concerning: creative organization, purpose, reach, structure, type of records, levels of description and syntax.Herrera...
BS ISO 690:2010
NF E29-690, NF EN ISO 10297 (09/2014)AFNOR
Lacroix P20VRsfq;F.NR:112977 Pnenn=160Bar Pmax=450bar Lacroix Electronics GmbH - Germany 压力传感器SELET B01AN10POC5 感应传感器 SAUTER AVM234SF132 执行器 Proxitron IKL 015.33GH Proxitron 变送器KOBOLD PSR-11153R15R1 KOBOLD Messring GmbH 流量计ATOS DHA-0713/M/7-24DC/BT KUKA Roboter GmbH ...