In this paper we provide formulae to calculate the L-norm of the index function of a rectifiable closed curve in the complex plane. Some applications to isoperimetric inequalities are given. The main tool used is the decomposition of any rectifiable closed curve in a sequence of Jordan curves ...
An element (x1;...; xn) ∈ En is called a norming point of T ∈ Ls(nE) if ∥x1∥ = ··· = ∥xn∥ = 1 and |T(x1;...; xn)| = ∥T∥; where Ls(nE) denotes the space of all symmetric continuous n-linear forms on E: For T ∈ Ls(nE); we def...
Noun1.Euclidean space- a space in which Euclid's axioms and definitions apply; a metric space that is linear and finite-dimensional metric space- a set of points such that for every pair of points there is a nonnegative real number called their distance that is symmetric and satisfies the ...
摘要: We give a partial answer to a conjecture of Dostanic on the determination of the norm of a class of integral operators induced by the weighted Bergman projection in the upper half plane.关键词: Bergman projection integral operator L-p-norm the upper half plane ...
These representations are specified for boundary integral operators of linear isotropic elasticity theory and hydrodynamics of viscous incompressible fluid under the assumption that there is an angle point on the boundary of a plane domain and a conic point or an edge on the boundary of a three-...
Calculate the distance between two points as the norm of the difference between the vector elements. Create two vectors representing the(x,y)coordinates for two points on the Euclidean plane. a = [0 3]; b = [-2 1]; Usenormto calculate the distance between the points. ...
Condition in which specific gravity of urine is normal. [normo- + G. sthenos, strength, + ouron, urine] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 normosthenuria (nor″mō-sthĕn-ū′rē-ă) [″ + Gr. sthenos, strength, + ouron, urine] Urination which is of a normal...
In present study, acceleration of density functional theory calculation using norm-conserving pseudopotential and plane wave (NCPP-PW) basis set has been performed. It did not use or parallelize commonly program packages (such as ABINIT, VASP, PWSCF, etc.) but propose prototypical program to carry...
% Calculate the distance between two points as the norm of the difference between the vector elements. % % Create two vectors representing the (x,y) coordinates for two points on the Euclidean plane. a = [0 3]; b = [-2 1];
In this paper we analyze the intersection between the norm-trace curve over Fq3 and the curves of the form y=ax3+bx2+cx+d, giving a complete characterization of the intersection between the curve and the parabolas (a=0), as well as sharp bounds for the other cases. This information is...