英英释义 a skeletal muscle relaxant (trade name Norflex) used to treat severe muscle strain and Parkinsonism 访问沪江小D查看norflex的更多详细解释>相关短语 borofil (商品名) 碳纤维 Crystolon (商品名) 人造碳化硅磨料 Motorloy (一种汽油添加剂的商品名) 摩托乐意 Zircopax (锌,锡 ,硅质乳浊剂的...
Norflex (orphenadrine citrate) is amuscle relaxantindicated as an adjunct to rest,physical therapy, and other measures for the relief of discomfort associated with acute painful musculoskeletal conditions. The brand name Norflex is discontinued. Orphenadrine citrate is available as ageneric. ...
商标名称 NORFLEX 国际分类 第12类-运输工具 商标状态 商标已注册 申请/注册号 9868056 申请日期 2011-08-19 申请人名称(中文) 浙江戈尔德智能悬架股份有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 浙江省瑞安市南滨街道江南大道333号 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 1322 初审公告日期 2012-08-06 注册...
Noun1.Norflex- a skeletal muscle relaxant (trade name Norflex) used to treat severe muscle strain and Parkinsonism orphenadrine muscle relaxant- a drug that reduces muscle contractility by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses or by decreasing the excitability of the motor end plate or by ot...
NORFLEX 震动健身板 + 阻力带 原价$429,eBay团购价只要$159!省$270!澳洲包邮!黑、白、红、粉、金色五色可选。塑身美体 减肚子 减大小腿,甩脂。
Since 1974 Norflex, Inc has been a leader in the design and metal manufacturing of expansion joints and dampers.
英格兰---Norflex(药盒) 价格:¥28 品相:8品数量:1件 运费:EMS 25元, 快递 15元, 挂号信 5元, 挂刷 5元, 销售总量:件销售总额:¥0元 浏览量:0 品种:药标 统一编号:se55381103店内编号:20171112 属性:其他药品, ,药盒/药袋/药瓶/药罐,年代不详, ,,, ,,, ,...
1) Norflex 柠檬酸邻甲苯海拉明2) orphenadrine 邻甲苯海拉明3) orphenadrine 邻甲苯海明4) Methylcitric acid 甲基柠檬酸5) Phenyltoloxamine citrate 柠檬酸苯托沙敏6) phenyltoloxamine citrate 柠檬酸苄苯醇胺补充资料:可他敏 ,可太敏, 苯海拉明, 盐酸苯海拉明 药物名称:苯海拉明英文名:Diphenhydramine别名...