When ingested,norethisteroneis rapidly absorbed and achieves maximum serum concentration within 1–4 h. Its oral bioavailability ranges from 47 to 73% (mean 64%). With a volume of distribution of 4 l kg−1,norethisteroneis bound to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) and albumin 36% and 61...
The maximum oral equivalent dose of ethinylestradiol was markedly lower than 30μg ethinylestradiol per day (20.3μg/day; 90%confidence interval, 14.8–28.0μg/day). The same applied to the average oral equivalent dose of ethinylestradiol for the 8-week postdose interval (4.41μg/day; 90%...
All three women were prescribed a maximum dose of NET-A 15 mg per day between ages of 15–19 years old. After a period of 12–30 months, the women experienced abdominal pain and/or nausea and vomiting, and were ultimately diagnosed with hepatic adenoma. Of note, all three women had ...