3. Each time you use a different computer or browser, we may not recognize that browser as one that has opted out from our corporate website tracking mechanisms. We also may not be able to recognize that we collected personal information from that computer or browser before you made the cha...
在官网点击注册后,会提示输入班级码(class code),我们可以直接选择自主练习(practice on your own),同样能得到完全的使用权限。 注册后,就开始定制孩子自己喜欢的内容啦。在这里,孩子能从动画人物、电影、动物、明星等栏目下选取自己感兴趣的主题,定制自己的语法练习素材。 比如,“哈利波特留了什么在沙发上”: “钢...