“Located at the entrance of Gatineau Park, only 10 minutes from downtown Ottawa, Nordik Spa-Nature is the largest spa in North America. Take the time to unwind and reenergize and take advantage of our unique installations: 7 outdoor baths, 8 unique saunas, infinity pool, restaurant and lo...
大家肯定非常熟悉位于Quebec 的Mont Tremblant这个赏枫胜地,但你们知道吗,在冬天的时候这里就摇身变成滑雪胜地和温泉乡! Le Scandinave Spa被“Organic Spa Magazine“ 杂志评为世界排名前 12 的有机温泉,同时也是加拿大的第一个、也是最大的北欧式天然Spa中心,各种Spa一应俱全:热水浴、温水浴、冷水浴。先走进蒸汽屋...