NOOK Tablet 可以打开邮件附件里的安装包,然后直接安装。比较适合国人习惯的当属安装豌豆荚或者应用汇等应用,我们已经测试可行。 另外,你也可以把亚马逊 Kindle Fire 的商店安装包发送到 NOOK Tablet 里,这其中包含了近两万款优质 App ,而且还有每日一款限时免费的付费应用等活动。 第三步:管理你的应用程序 管理文件...
Nook Tablet 支持 microSD 扩展,在存储和多任务方面相比 Kindle Fire 占优。Nook Tablet 的屏幕尺寸、分辨率和 Kindle Fire 相同,都是 7 英寸、1024×600,都是 IPS 显示屏。但是 Nook Tablet 所用的 VividView 显示屏与表层玻璃之间没有间隔,可以让画面更贴近屏幕表面,就像 iPhone 4、Lumia 800...
will rise to 40 percent through the fourth quarter of 2011. It states that the market share of the OS will rise due to the low-cost Kindle Fire and Nook Tablet computer. It also mentions that IDC expects that the low-cost Android tablets will pressure the iPad tablet computer....
I've been using the Amazon app store since it was first released and I have the majority of those free paid apps (which includes some large games) - so with those installed on my Fire plus the aforementioned movie I downloaded, I still have 4.46 GB free. Also my device status says 6.5...
Before today, the Nook HD and HD+ offered a similar experience to Amazon's Kindle Fire HD, with a highly modified version of Android and its own fairly limited app store and media libraries. While its books, magazine and newspaper catalogues are some of the best in th...
Kindle Fire对手 双核平板Nook Tablet发布 今天凌晨,美国连锁店巴诺书店正式发布了第二款平板电脑Nook Tablet。这款平板被誉为亚马逊Kindle Fire的竞争对手,双方将凭借自身丰富的资源优势展开竞争,将产品推出的同时也将自己的服务一同推出。 与亚马逊的Kindle Fire相比,巴诺书店的Nook Tablet的配置相对高端一些。Nook ...
Nook Tablet 是上一代平板Nook Color的升级,外形尺寸没有变化,且同样采用定制化的 Android 界面。在硬件方面,Nook Tablet 采用德州仪器 OMAP4 1GHz 双核处理器、1GB 内存、16GB 闪存外加 microSD 扩展,相比上一代有显著提升。 目标Kindle Fire B&N CEO William Lynch 现场直接将 Nook Tablet 和 Kindle Fire 进行...
摘要: 一年前,美国最大的连锁书店Barnes Noble(巴诺)试探性的推出了搭载Android系统的电子书产品Nook Color,它凭借强悍的配置与超低的价格而广受玩家欢迎.一年后的今天,巴诺第二款电子书产品Nook Tablet如期而至,但面对跟风而来的亚马逊Kindle Fire,一场恶战在所难免.关键词:...
紧随Kindle Fire,Nook Tablet 提前发货 Kindle Fire 提前一天发货,B&N 也当然不会坐视旁观,消息称新系列的 Nook 也已经提前发货。 尽管Nook Tablet 原定于周五发货,但 B&N 的一个发言人告诉 CNET:Nook Tablet 的预订者今天就能收到 Nook Tablet 了,而零售店将于明天开始销售。
A Nook Tablet is for you. Need a constant stream of apps, a good e-mail app, and a thriving content ecosystem? Go with a Kindle Fire. We could discuss the permutations ad infinitum, but it's ultimately up to you to decide which device is best for your needs. nook完胜啊!!!(对于非...