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Seating preferences as nonverbal communication: a self-presentational analysis. Journal of Applied Communications Research 8(1): 22. Remland, Martins. ; Jones, Tricias. ; Brinkman, Heidi. Interpersonal Distance, Body Orientation, and Touch: Effects of Culture, Gender, and Age. The Journal of ...
Whatisnonverbalcommunication “Actionsspeaklouderthanwords.”Ononehand,non-verballanguagecanhelp smoothoutandeffectthecommunication;ontheotherhand,itcanbemoreofahindrancethanhelp,duetodifferentcultures'detailsininterculturalcommunication.Therefore,it'simportanttobeawareofthesedetailsandculturalrulesofnon-verballanguage... Hall, Karl & Irven DeVore. 1972. Baboon social behavior. In Phyllis Dolhinow (ed.). Primate patterns. San Francisco: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, pp. ... McClure, Erin B 2000. A meta-analytic review of sex differences in facial expression processing and their development in infants, children, and adolescents ...
Eibl-Eibesfeldt, Irenaus (1973). “The Expressive Behaviour of the Deaf-and-Blind-Born.” In Mario von Cranach and Ian Vine (Eds.), Social Communication and Movement (European Monographs in Social Psychology 4, New York: Academic Press), pp. 163-94. ...
in order to assess a patient’s potential for using alternative means of communication in cases of severe aphasia, semantic processing should be assessed in different nonverbal conditions. The Nonverbal Semantics Test (NVST) is a tool that captures semantic processing capacities through three tasks—...