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NonverbalCommunicationandCulture case1 case2 Nonverbalcommunicationisbehaviourthatcommunicateswithoutwords—thoughitmayoftenbeaccompaniedbywords.Nonverbalbehaviourcanincludethingssuchas a.Clothingandbodilycharacteristics b.physicalspaceincommunication c.timeincommunication d.Movementandbodyposition e.g.:Chinesegirls...
China.China should learn from the advanced experience of foreign countries,to learn all the outstanding achievements of human civilization all over the world,while the splendid Chinese culture will also be introduced to the world.In this way,it relates to the problem of cross-cultural communication...
anonverbal communication,like our verbal language, is also a part of our culture. But not all body language means the same thing in different cultures. Different people have different ways of making nonverbal communication. 非语言的通信,象我们的口头语言,也是我们的文化的部分。 但不是所有的肢体语...
nonverbalcommunication跨文化交际 Whatwillhappen?Source:http://nonverbal.ucsc.edu/ QUESTION:What?EveryculturehasrulesabouttheCORRECTuseofspace.Theproxemic(relatingtothestudyofspace)rulesareunwrittenandnevertaught--buttheyareverypowerful a.Shewillaskthemtositsomewhereelse.b.Shewillstareatthespace"invaders"...
communication,differences between verbal and nonverbal communication,function of nonverbal communication,and categorization of nonverbal communication.It provides cross-cultural cooperators with a good start in the understanding of eastern and western cultures and enables cross-cultural communication more ...
anonverbal communication is not pancultural . Nonverbal communicative behaviors do not carry the same meanings from culture to culture with the exception perhaps of smiling , frowning ,and crying . 非语言交流不是泛文化的。不用语言健谈的行为从文化不具有相同的意思随着也许微笑的反对培养,皱眉,哭泣。
Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal mistakes are often more difficult to avoid than verbal ones. For example, the amount of appropriate eye contact varies according to the country. When negotiating with the Japanese, I have learned to use intermittent eye contact across the bargaining table rather than...