b.physicalspaceincommunication c.timeincommunication d.Movementandbodyposition e.g.:Chinesegirlsfrequentlywalkarm-in-armorevenholdinghands,andboyswouldhuddleroundsomethinginafashionofclosecontact.Seeingthese,Americanswouldfeelunconfortable.4majortypesofdistancesinAmericansocialandbusinesscircumstances Intimatedistance:...
And it gives people an generalidea that what to do under the different culture. Keywords: Nonverbal Communication, Cultural, Chinese, AmericanUniversity of Kentucky
Low-context cultures like the United States and Canada tend to give relatively less emphasis to nonverbal communication. This does not mean that nonverbal communication does not happen, or that it is unimportant, but that people in these settings tend to place less importance on it than on the...
SignificanceofNonverbalCommunicationKinesicsGesturePosture Haptics(touchingbehavior)Oculesics FacialExpression CharacteristicsofNonverbalCodes 美国心理学家梅拉比安曾经提出过一个非常著名的公式:人类全部的信息表达=7%语言+38%声音+55%身体语言 Nonverbalbehavioraccountsformuchofthemeaningwederivefromconversations.(...
系统标签: nonverbal communication culture 文化 silence 交际 NonverbalCommunicationandCulturecase1case2 Nonverbalcommunicationisbehaviourthatcommunicateswithoutwords—thoughitmayoftenbeaccompaniedbywords.Nonverbalbehaviourcanincludethingssuchasa.Clothingandbodilycharacteristicsb.physicalspaceincommunicationc.timeincommunicati...
Nonverbal Communication and Culture;case 1;;Nonverbal communication is behaviour that communicates without words—though it may often be accompanied by words. Nonverbal behaviour can include things such as a. Clothing and bodily characteristics b. physical space in communication c. time in ...
OntheDifferencesinNonverbalCommunicationbetweenthe ChineseandAmerican 论中国人和美国人非语言交际的差异 Abstract:Indailycommunication,moreattentionsarepaidtotheverbalcorrectness, appropriatenessandacceptabilitywhiletheculturaldifferencesandeffects ofnonverbalcommunicationareneglected,causingmisunderstandingand conflictscross...
anonverbal communication,like our verbal language, is also a part of our culture. But not all body language means the same thing in different cultures. Different people have different ways of making nonverbal communication. 非语言的通信,象我们的口头语言,也是我们的文化的部分。 但不是所有的肢体...
the relationship between communication and space D. some other cultural aspects of nonverbal communication (2) How far people keep to each other while talking is closely associated with their ___. E. origin F. culture G. custom . nationality (3) When an Italian talks to an Arabian on info...
17.Another cultural aspect of nonverbal communication is one that you might not think about:space.Every person feels himself have a sort of invisible protection surrounding his physical body.When someone comes too close,he feels uncomfortable.When he bumps onto someone,he feels obliged to apologize...