1、Chapter 2 Nonverbal CommunicationCommunication 93% NONVERBALl7% VerbalWords usedl38% VocalTone, rate, and volume usedl55% VisualSenders appearance when saying it What is nonverbal communication? “Oral and nonoral messages expressed by other than linguistic means.”Types of Nonverbal ...
18.Repeatedglancingatwatch,shufflingDesiretoendcommunication papers,tappingpenorfingernails 19.SuddenshiftofpositionsofeetorbodyDesiretoleave ispointedtowardthedoor 20.Headtotheside;foreheadwrinkled;oneDoubt;notsureaboutanewidea eyebrowraised 21.Shouldersshruggingin;notsittingupWeariness;poorself-image ...
between civilians and police officers (e.g., head lowering) suggesting that they had similar beliefs. The accuracy of police officers’ beliefs was better than chance, but remains low for such a professional. Results revealed many new beliefs about deception which can be of help in updating pol...