为了获得平移不变性,本章所用的Nonsubsampled Contourlet变换(NSCT)是基于Nonsubsampled金字塔(NSP)和Nonsubsampled方向滤波器(NSDFB)的一种变换。首先由NSP对输入图像进行塔形分解,分解为高通和低通两个部分,然后由NSDFB将高频子带分解为多个方向子带,低频部分继续进行如上分解。NSCT是一种新型平移不变,多尺度,多方向性...
After the consistency correction, this algorithm got the reconstructed image by the nonsubsampled contourlet transform (NSCT) inverse transform on the high-frequency and low-frequency coefficients. The experiment results show that this algorithm can effectively reduce the interference of the noise on the...
The nonsubsampled contourlet transform (NSCT) is a multiresolution tool for image fusion. For NSCT, how to get a better focus measurement is an important research content. In this study, a new model named dual-layer PCNN model is proposed. It simulates human visual perception mechanism. The ...
针对同一场景红外图像与可见光图像的融合问题,提出了一种基于非采样Contourlet变换(Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform,NSCT)图像融合算法。 2. Aiming at the geometric attack problem of the digital watermark, a novel algorithm is proposed based on the NonsubSampled Contourlet Transform(NSCT). 针对现有水印算法...
Nonsubsampled contourlet transform (NSCTSupport vector machine (SVMThis paper proposed a new face recognition method based on nonsubsampled contourlet transform (NSCT) and component-based support vector machine (SVM). This approach takes technological advantages of both SVM for classification and the NSCT...
The fusion of different satellite cloud images can provide more comprehensive information for surveillance and early warning of disastrous weather.A satellite cloud image fusion algorithm based on regional feature with NonSubsampled Contourlet Transform(NSCT) was proposed.Firstly,the source images were decomp...
The non-subsampled Contourlet transform (NSCT) has not only characteristics of multi-scale, multidirection and anisotropy, like traditional wavelet transform and Contourlet transform, but also the good characteristics of shift-invariant. We draw the conclusion that the ...
关键词:NSCT;脑部MR图像;纹理特征;支持向量机 中图分类号:TN919⁃34;TP391.41文献标识码:A文章编号:1004⁃373X(2014)12⁃0063⁃04 BrainMRIimagerecognitionbasedonnonsubsampledcontourlettransformandSVM XUNan⁃nan,GEYu⁃rong,WANGJia⁃yi (SchoolofInformationScienceandEngineering,OceanUniversityofChina,Qi...
非下采样Contourlet变换A new image fusion algorithm is proposed based on the nonsubsampled Contourlet transform (NSCT). After the NSCT of images, the adaptive regional energy as the regular for the low frequency subband coefficients, the high-frequency detail images in different levels are processed ...
Aiming at the features of infrared and visible images,a fusion algorithm based on NonSubsampled Contourlet Transform(NSCT) is proposed for infrared and visible image fusion.Firstly,the NSCT is used to perform the multiscale and multidirection decomposition of the source images.Secondly,low frequency ...