EVA Air will launch nonstop flights between Taipei and two popular European destinations. It will initiate Milan service on October 25, 2022 and introduce Munich flights on November 3, 2022. The airline will start with two flights a week to Milan and four to Munich. Addition...
GOOGLE FLIGHTS If you live in Texas, you can score excellent prices on flights to Spain. Fly nonstop from Dallas to Madrid in February for just $447 round-trip. GOOGLE FLIGHTS We also found nonstop flights from Dallas to Paris. You can fly from DFW to CDG for less than $500 round-tr...
if you’re in Berlin Skyping with your long-distance girlfriend in Istanbul, you’ll both be shown a banner advertising fares for flights between Berlin and Istanbul. There are a few troubling privacy implications to this, but it is a very clever media idea....
长荣航空今(5)日宣布,10月25日开辟台北-米兰航线,提供每周两班的飞航服务;11月3日开辟台北-慕尼黑航线,提供每周四班的飞航服务;届时,长荣航空飞往欧洲将达6个航点,是台湾布局欧洲航点最多、航班最密集的航空公司,明(6)日起民众可至长荣航空官网www.evaair.com订位及购票。 睽违25年后再度开...