Healy, Krista DeniseDissertations & Theses - GradworksHealy, K. D. (2007). Word identification fluency and nonsense word fluency as predictors of reading fluency in first grade. Dissertation Abstracts International, 69(01), A.
Nonsense Word Fluency.ppt NonsenseWordFluency Saythesoundsorwordsasfastasyoucan!Go!rab vig tob wek lum dat kep tif moc vuf Thisistheendofthepractice.Howmanydidyougetcorrect?
Making sense of nonsense word fluency: Determining adequate progress in early first grade reading. Reading and Writing Quarterly.Good, R., Baker, S., & Peyton, J. (2009). Making sense of nonsense word fluency: Determining adequate progress in early first grade reading. Reading & Writing ...
A theory-based approach was used to investigate the relations among Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF) initial skill status in the fall of first grade, NWF growth across the school year, and end-of-year oral reading fluency and reading comprehension (RC) skill. Hypotheses were anchored to Perfetti's...