Nonprofits: An employment engine ; In Maine, nonprofit jobs account for almost 12 percent of the work force, far above the national averageTUX TURKEL Staff Writer
As part of a grant application process we did this last spring (for which we were summarily rejected – so take this following list with a grain of salt!), we put together our convictions about what it means to be a thriving pastor. We summarized the marks of a thriving pastor in three...
Read More Jobs Read More Funding Opportunities Read More Consultants Read More Resources Read More How Our Nonprofit Resources Directory Can Help You Connect with the Funders Alliance a collaborative group of large regional funding agencies that have joined together to increase communication, collaboration...
We interview Libby Hikind, CEO and founder of and about what nonprofits need to know about applying for grants. About Libby HikindFind on LinkedIn Libby Hikind is the Founder and CEO of, the leading grant funding search engine for nonprofits, ...
Here’s how to write a cover letter for nonprofit jobs: 1. Stick to the standard business letter format Margins: one-inch. Spacing: 1.15. Font: one of the classics (Arial, Verdana, Georgia, etc.); 11 to 12 pt-sized. See more:Cover Letter Format Rules ...
The positions of secretary and treasurer are both important to the overall function of a nonprofit organization. Depending on the regulations for 501c3 organizations in your state and the budget of the organization, the positions may be separate or combi
“They waitress, they bartend, they work catering, they drive Uber, they babysit, they dog walk, they housesit. They have all these secondary jobs in order to be able to survive,” she said. As the strike goes on, the funds expect more and more union members ...
Batey — who used her grant to pay her rent, phone bill and electric bill, and other expenses — is one of 2,600 film or television workers that the Entertainment Community Fund has helped during these strikes, granting $5.4 million as of Aug. 25. The fund, formerly known as The Actors...
Batey — who used her grant to pay her rent, phone bill and electric bill, and other expenses — is one of 2,600 film or television workers that the Entertainment Community Fund has helped during these strikes, granting $5.4 million as of Aug. 25. The fund...
AccuFund Accounting Suite: AccuFund Accounting Suite has a core nonprofit accounting system that includes AP, general ledger, bank reconciliation, form designer and report writer features. You can add modules for AR, loan tracking, grant management, payroll and more to customize your accounting softw...