Ongoing board training has been more informal and individually based with the Executive Director managing most training opportunities and some board members have paired themselves with other board members for mentorship. The board is self-described as well functioning with active participation even though...
Executive Director/CEO coaching Program Planning/Development Targeting programs aligned to mission Programs and services are where the "rubber meets the road". From program planning to program evaluation, organizations are able to maximize their resources towards meeting their goals and achieving their mis...
Jersey City Employment and Training Program Executive Director Katrice Thomas is departing next month to take on a vice president job at a New York nonprofit. By John Heinis/Hudson County View “I am from New York originally so I will be working as vice president at a nonprof...
Interviews with executive directors of nonprofit organizations in the Atlanta area affirmed that nonprofit EDs use several strategies to hold together the tensions among these forces: (1) balancing intuition with data; (2) relying on the experience of others as a learning tool; (3) taking an ...
Losing Your Executive Director Without Losing Your Way is a practical guide for board members and executives who must guide their nonprofits through the difficult transition of replacing the key member of their organization and shows how to make this transition a positive event. The authors Carol We...
Despite the volunteer element of boards, you would be hard pressed to find someone working as a manager of frontline volunteer services who is ever involved in any aspect of recruiting, training, recognizing, or otherwise helping the executive director work with board volunteers. (There are excepti...
many team members become comfortable in their positions.The best employees are always looking for a new challenge because they want to learn and grow.When team members get bored and fall into a routine, they start looking for new jobs. When I was an executive director at Education Pioneers, ...
Unpaid executive staff is defined as unpaid staff that acts as senior leadership for the nonprofit. Eligible unpaid executive roles are board of directors, president, officer, executive director, and executive program directors. Eligible unpaid executive staff are permitted to use granted and discounted...
Acting Executive Director NonProfitEasy (NPE) has completely transformed our organization’s ability to manage donors, track donations, send communications, simplify bookkeeping and work together as a team. NPE’s smooth, integrated workflows have replaced our piece-meal processes and clunky work-around...
Special Project Support– Under the direction of SEI’s Executive Director, the Fellow may assist in helping plan for and implement new and innovative programs that expand our team’s collective body of work and measurable impact. Qualifications ...