Virtual 221 Virtual Work Skills Culture 221 Digital Evolution—Three Trends to Watch .orgSource SEPTEMBER 5, 2023 Track a new employee’s progress through training exercises and materials. Will your next conference venue be the metaverse. Some examples of functions that can be automated with no-co...
innovation, communication, and professional growth. “To We tend to compartmentalize and put work in one box andfunin another; when, with imagination, we can have the best of both worlds.
For advice and governance, I’ve formed a board of directors. The people I invited, while not in the limelight of the progress community, have been some of my strongest supporters:Ray Girn, CEO of Higher Ground Education (which commissioned myhigh school progress course), and Anil Varana...
As nonprofit finance leaders, we are charged with empowering our teams with the technology, skills, and support they need to [...] November 3, 2022|5min Read Donor Cultivation Engaging Your Donor Community: 5 School Fundraising Tips Fundraising is often a necessity for schools to provide studen...
“We welcome your hard earned currencies as well as your time and skills. In the first phases of the project you can help us design and develop PI version 1.0 to be deployed in countries where human rights need defending and humanitarian crises unfold.”—PI website ...