The Non-Naturalness of Colour CategoriesVirtually all studies of colour naming take place in the context of some idealized, two-dimensional representation of the colour space. The Munsell-based chip set has been mentioned. Other arrays with slightly different ordering principles have been utilized. ...
An Efficient Approach to Restore Naturalness of Non-uniform Illumination ImagesIMAGE enhancement (Imaging systems)IMAGE intensifiersLIGHTINGIMAGEEnhancement of the image details without affecting the naturalness is a difficult task, especially for non-uniformly illuminated images. While dealing with non-...
老子哲学的核心是自然无为,围绕这一核心,老子提出了许多极富意义的观点。 Many of Laozi’s enlightening views are based on his philosophy of naturalness and non-action. 老子说:“道法自然。”“自然”是老子哲学最重要的概念之一,它并非指外在的自然物,而是指一种自然而然、顺应世界的态度。 “Naturalness”...
N. Seiberg, Naturalness Versus Supersymmetric Non-Renormalization Theorems, hep-ph/9309335, Phys. Lett. B318 (1993) 469.N. Seiberg, "Naturalness Versus Supersymmetric Non-renormalization Theorems," hep- ph/9309335.N. Seiberg, Naturalness versus supersymmetric nonrenormalization theorems, Phys.Lett. B...
F. Giudice, "Naturalness constraints in supersymmetric theories with nonuniversal soft terms," Phys. Lett. B 357, 573 (1995) [hep-ph/9507282].S. Dimopoulos and G. Giudice, Naturalness constraints in supersymmetric theories with nonuniversal soft terms, Phys. Lett. B 357 (1995) 573 [hep-...
S. Kato et al., "Comparison of native and non-native evalua- tions of the naturalness of Japanese words with prosody modified through voice morphing," Proc. SLaTE, 2011.KATO, S. y G. Short, N. Minematsu, C. Tsurutani, K. Hirose (2011), Comparison of native and non-native ...
Ross, Naturalness and focus points with non-universal gaugino masses , Nucl. Phys. B 830 (2010) 221 [ arXiv:0908.0857 ] [ INSPIRE ]. ADSD. Horton and G. Ross, "Naturalness and Focus Points with Non-Universal Gaugino Masses," Nucl.Phys., vol. B830, pp. 221-247, 2010, ...
First, splitting a non-uniform illumination image into three coloured panels. Secondly, decomposing each and every image in the panel for brightness. Third, applying a bilog transformation to have a balance between the details and naturalness of an image. Experimental results for the proposed ...
A new non-local recoloring method is used for preserving details. Subjective experiments were conducted among normal vision subjects and color blind subjects. Experimental results show that our algorithm is robust, detail preserving and maintains naturalness. (Source codes are freely available to non-...
Is non-linear lengthening important for the perceived naturalness of focal accented Swedish words?Previous studies of lengthening patterns in focal accented Swedish words have shown that the segments within the words are not lengthened in a linear fashion (e.g. Bannert, 1979; Fant, Kruckenberg, ...