The responses of offshore structures are significantly affected by steep nonlinear waves, currents and wind, leading to phenomena such as springing and ringing of TLPs, slow drift yaw motion of FPS...
The present paper provides a review of recent research on various nonlinearities that arise in ocean wave interactions with offshore structures. These include nonlinearities associated with the incident waves alone, the response of slender structural members to waves, and the nonlinear diffraction problem...
Relative heaving motions of two cylinders in beam seas Linear hydrodynamic coupling The coupled equations of heaving motions Radiation problem Diffraction problem Loads on Catamaran ship Nonlinear Waves and Offshore Structures Metrics History PDF download...
A powerful numerical method is developed for solving the diffraction problem of nonlinear water waves in the time domain, and the interaction between nonlinear water waves and offshore structures is clarified. An improved Orlanski boundary condition, which includes the term of spatial gradient of phas...
Hydrodynamic scaling and wave force estimation of offshore structures Article 28 October 2020 Wave, Current and Wind Loads Chapter © 2016 Theory and applications of coupled fluid-structure interactions of ships in waves and ocean acoustic environment Article 01 December 2016 Author information...
In this paper the authors present a developed analytical procedure for predicting the wave load on horizontal cylindrical members of offshore structures to the action of deep water random waves, representing the nonlinear drag force by cubic approximation. Using Morison's equation, the spectra of the...
In the case of fully nonlinear waves, the maximum horizontal wave load on all the piles with the cap can increase by 30% compared with those without the cap, and the maximum horizontal wave load on a single pile is nearly doubled. The horizontal wave load on the cap with the piles can...
An offshore wind turbine can be considered as a relatively complex structural system since several environmental factors (e.g. wind and waves) affect its dynamic behavior by generating both an active load and a resistant force to the structure's deformation induced by simultaneous actions. Besides...
waves (e.g., around offshore structures). The equations are derived based on assumptions that the fluid is irrotational, inviscid, and incompressible and that the velocity potential must satisfy Laplace’s equation. Several numerical and computational methods have been developed to solve these ...
The estimation of forces and responses due to the nonlinearities in ocean waves is vital in the design of offshore structures, as these forces and responses would result in the extreme loads. Simulation of such events in a laboratory is quite laborious. Even for the preparation of the driving...