(2010) Nonlinear least-squares data fitting in Excel spreadsheets. Nature Protoc. 5, 267-281Kemmer, G. and S. Keller. (2010). Nonlinear least-squares data fitting in Excel spreadsheets. Nat. Protoc. 5, 267-281.Kemmer, G., Keller, S. Nonlinear least-squares data fitting in Excel ...
We describe an intuitive and rapid procedure for analyzing experimental data by nonlinear least-squares fitting (NLSF) in the most widely used spreadsheet program. Experimental data in x/y form and data calculated from a regression equation are inputted and plotted in a Microsoft Excel worksheet, ...
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Using RMSE as the objective function means that the method is essentially following a least-squares method, whereas using MAE or other metrics as the objective function means it does not. For nonlinear relationships, it is not appropriate to use R or R2 as the objective function, and to do ...
In COMSOL Multiphysics®, several optimization algorithms are available for solving least-squares problems. In most cases, the objective is a well-behaved function of the parameters, and the problem can be solved efficiently using the gradient-based Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm. In b...
McCullough, BD, Wilson, B (1999) On the accuracy of statistical procedures in Excel 97. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 31: pp. 27-37 CrossRef Meyer, RR, Roth, PM (1972) Modified damped least squares: an algorithm for non-linear estimation. Journal of the Institute of Mathematica...
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We compare the metamodelling performance of HC-PLSR with polynomial partial least squares regression (PLSR) and ordinary least squares (OLS) regression on various systems: six different gene regulatory network models with various types of feedback, a deterministic mathematical model of the mammalian ...
I would suggest implementing it as a class that implements the NonlinearLeastSquares class. Or better, it could be a modification of this class that, when the gradient function had not been selected, would use Cobyla automatically. However, please feel free to contribute whatever you would like...
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