Two useful functions of Matlab software are used,namely,nonlinear curve fitting andnonlinear regression function. 利用Matlab软件的非线性拟合和非线性回归函数,对传统耕作和免耕耕作两种方式下土壤水分特征曲线进行分析,建立相应的Van Genuchten模型,并对模型进行检验和应用。
Adopting numerical fitting of analytic model,equivalent nonlinear spring model of cable was deduced. 文中在纤绳模型解析式的基础上,得到了其非线性弹性刚度,在此基础上,采用由解析式数值拟合的方法,得出了纤绳等效非线性弹簧模型。2) 3D shell-nonlinear spring model 三维壳-非线性弹簧模型3...
⭐️ 更多前端技术和知识点,搜索订阅号 JS 菌 订阅 外观模式主要优点在于对客户屏蔽子系统组件,...
1) Nonlinear curve fitting method 非线性曲线拟合法2) nonlinear curve fitting 非线性曲线拟合 1. We introduced the way of nonlinear curve fitting to analyzing the experiment data by the Origin software. 介绍用Microcal Origin软件进行实验数据非线性曲线拟合的具体方法,并结合实例说明如何寻求经验公式。
2) non-linear fitting 非线性拟合 1. The decay functions of two kinds of bitumen are established using the non-linear fitting method. 通过对试验数据的非线性拟合,提出了表征两种沥青发泡性能的衰退方程,其参数有明确的物理意义。 2. The optimum models were obtained by non-linear fitting to ...
Through nonlinear fitting on clastic coal core gas desorption laws in Jiedong mine,compared each desorption model of the loss to the loss of volume by calculation methods. 通过对街洞矿区碎屑状煤芯瓦斯解吸规律的非线性拟合,对各解吸模式的损失量与用计算方法所求得的损失量进行了比较。 3. With com...
1) L-M nonlinear fitting L-M非线性拟合 1. Theoretical formula of the principle of the sensor based onL-M nonlinear fittinghas been given. 文中给出了平面反射式强度调制型光纤传感器所依据的理论公式,采用L-M非线性拟合算法,使用制作的传感器采集数据并对光纤传感器各参量进行了标定。
1) nonlinear curve fitting 非线性曲线拟合1. We introduced the way of nonlinear curve fitting to analyzing the experiment data by the Origin software. 介绍用Microcal Origin软件进行实验数据非线性曲线拟合的具体方法,并结合实例说明如何寻求经验公式。
Based on the idea of curve fitting, thenonlinear least squares method(Gauss-Newton method) has been applied to estimate the complex parameters. 该文从曲线拟合的思想出发,运用非线性最小二乘法(高斯-牛顿法)来估计压电材料复参数,仿真结果显示,估计值与真实值比较接近,算法的收敛性较强,是压电参数测量的...