Inspire your students to be curious about the world around them with the best nonfiction books for kids. Designed with all ages in mind, these children’s nonfiction titles will explore themes like science, history, and more that will appeal to every kind of reader and their interests. ...
Brooklyn Bridge. (Books for children: nonfiction)Books (Book reviewsBurnett, JeanieAssociationforchildhoodeducationinternational
Once upon a time, nonfiction books were the unsung underdogs of the children’s publishing world. Many adults believed that children prefer fiction. But a growing body of research shows something quite different. It turns out most children enjoy reading nonfiction, and some strongly prefer it. N...
My name is Nancy I. Sanders. I've written over 100 published books for kids, and I want to help you write a children's nonfiction book, too.
My name is Linda Gondosch and I’m a former teacher and the author of eleven fiction and nonfiction books for children. I’ve spent years reading wonderful books of nonfiction as well as researching my own books. In this blog, I will share some of the often overlooked stories of American...
8 Best Books About the History of the Knights Templar Best Kids' Books About Elections, Politics, and Voting The 6 Best Magazines for Toddlers Children's Picture Books About Cars, Trucks, and Diggers The 10 Best Dinosaur Books Top Children's Books About Dinosaurs Children's Books Abo...
but because he adores graphic novels and comics he read this book several times. Brown is an experienced author of historical fiction for children and this is a wonderful book to read in celebration of theanniversary of the moon landing. There are 3 books in this series (so far), including...
Looking for nonfiction books for your school library? View our selection of nonfiction books and text sets for every age and skill level.
Steve Jenkins books — children's nonfiction picture books about animals, nature, earth, and space.